

Sentiment Analysis of tweets

Analyze the sentiment trends of tweets having the #hashtag entered. The Web Application uses React for frontend and Flask for backend. The NLP model is build using Tensorflow.The app fetches tweets with Twitter API and the dashboard provides the graphical representation of sentiment trends and location based tweets.


Undefeatable TicTacToe


A basic game of TicTacToe built using React. But, due to the relatively small state space (3⁹ = 196839 possible board combinations), it can easily search the whole game tree for an optimal solution, treating the game as a fully deterministic environment.


Quote Machine


A random quote Generator using this .this.this API random shitA random quote Generator using this .this.this API random shitA random quote Generator using this .this.this API random shitA random quote Generator using this .this.this API random shitA random quote Generator using this .this.this API random shit